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Data Charts for Pisco Sicko


Listing All Accepted Entries for Pisco Sicko (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Kokanee thumbKokanee 9.0
(99.0 pts)
May 07, 2011    Ho hum, just a placer until I can fish some place besides Patterson. Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 14.5
(116.0 pts)
April 30, 2011    I couldn't resist signing up again. Hit Big Twin Lake late on the day of the opener. Typical spring winds howling made for difficult boat control and impossible sight feeding. Damsel nymph flies on a short sink tip netted a hand full of little fatties, CnRed. Show
Laketrout thumbLake Trout 18.75
(112.5 pts)
November 26, 2010    Noggin Yakker had an easy launch in the snow at Lake Chelan, the day after Turkey Day. A bit chilly, but it was mostly glassy, so not too cold until the sun went behind the hills. Only one fish played with us, this little guy caught around 200' deep, off Wapato Pt. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 8.5
(93.5 pts)
October 03, 2010    Seems these little buggers are no bigger than they were this spring. Took a few hookups before I landed one as the hooks pulled out repeatedly. Show
Walleye thumbWalleye 17.0
(127.5 pts)
June 20, 2010    Made a speed run to Banks late Sat. afternoon. Fished that evening from 8:30-10:30, and caught several small 'eyes, this one, and a couple of smallies. A little lumpy (walleye chop!), but the temps were nice. Clouded up and started raining overnight. Cool, cloudy and flat in the morning. Managed a couple more smallies and a few decent perch. The walleye did a disappearing act. Rained most of the morning, so I left at 11:00am. Show
Yellowperch thumbYellow Perch 12.25
(165.375 pts)
April 24, 2010 Copy of april opener 2010 017 thumb Copy of april opener 2010 019 thumb  Hit Patterson Lake, in the afternoon, after fishing Big Twin in the morning. Was hoping to manage three species for the day but the watre was cold and the wind howling at Patterson. Picked up one nice jumbo perch, but no bass. Bunches of little "catchable" 'bows, but I already had some better sized 'bows from Big Twin. Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 16.5
(132.0 pts)
April 24, 2010 Copy of april opener 2010 009 thumb Copy of april opener 2010 010 thumb Copy of april opener 2010 011 thumb Opening day action at Big Twin Lake. Could have sworn I had some bigger fish, but I was struggling with the camera, today. Smeared the lens with slime and had a hard time seeing the LCD screen with the glare. Caught about a dozen fish. Best consistent action for the holdovers was near wave-swept rocky shores where some of the fish were trying to spawn. Caught some others in deep water by slowly dragging a dragonfly nymph, under a long sinktip. They were prettier looking, but mre smaller fish, that way. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 19.5
(195.0 pts)
April 17, 2010 Copy of april ok r 2010 015 thumb Copy of april ok r 2010 014 thumb Dsc 0467 cropped 700w thumb Great day with YN at his honey hole. Non-stop action, in the right places. Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 0.0
(0.0 pts)
August 18, 2009    Local LMB minor upgrade, off a crankbait. Did a lousy job with the camera, today. I'll blame the extreme glare- it was hard to see the image on the LCD. Show
Yellowperch thumbYellow Perch 8.75
(118.125 pts)
August 07, 2009    Friday afternoon we went to my fave local lake, Patterson. Lost a large (maybe 20"?) 'bow right off the bat, off a bladebait in 50 fow. We then spent some time focusing on perch, with my best just this 8.75+". A little later decided to try dropshotting in 30-40 fow and got slammed by the 'bows, including a 16"er that tied my previous best for this year. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 16.5
(165.0 pts)
August 06, 2009    Fished with 'Yak Monkey 08/05-08/07. Janni joined us on the Friday session. Wednesday afternoon/evening we spent at Banks Lake. I caught some small smallies and a couple of undersize walleyes. Lost my only keeper 'eye when I lifted it's head out of the water for the net. D'oh! Was my most fruitful walleye trip yet, though. "Yak caught 6 'eyes, including 1 keeper. Thursday morning we went to "Lake Pateros to target salmon (sockeyes and kings) I got distracted by the smallies pretty quickly. My best was this 16.5, caught on a crank. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 24.0
(192.0 pts)
May 16, 2009 San juans  may 2009 048 thumb San juans  may 2009 047 thumb  Day 2 of the secret expedition involved some exploration, and bush-whacking, leading to a beautiful secluded beach. Again, Janni was into fish almost from the beginning, and for most, if not all, of the day had a higher catch total. I did eventually redeem myself by going for quality over quantity. First fish for me was a 24.5 under-ling that was released. Next drift picked up this piggy of a cabbie, 24". This location had a real tight zone where the fish were located, in a spot that PBs would fear. After this fish, the tide moderated and the bite was off, so on we went on in our exploration. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 19.0
(152.0 pts)
May 15, 2009 San juans  may 2009 035 thumb San juans  may 2009 036 thumb  'Yal Monkey, Janni (Pisco Kid) and I made a top secret expedition to a remote zipper-lip location in the San Juans from May 14- May 17. Friday, May 15 we went to a special little pinnacle I know of. Janni lost 3 fish before I was able to wet a line, and one of the fish just shredded her line. She finally boated a 10" copper and was thrilled. I was using a bigger jig and it took a while to find this behemoth of a copper, biggest I've ever seen. 19.0 inches and fat. Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 11.75
(111.625 pts)
April 20, 2009 Fam and fish 04.20.2009 017 thumb Fam and fish 04.20.2009 020 thumb  Ice went off my favorite local lake this week. Still a few little patches of snow in the shade. This LMB surprised me by being the first catch of the afternoon. Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 16.0
(128.0 pts)
April 20, 2009 Fam and fish 04.20.2009 022 thumb Fam and fish 04.20.2009 024 thumb  After catching one LMB and seeing another follow, I put on a floating perch Rapala. No more LMB, but got slammed by a couple of holdover trout. The first was 16' and the second was 14"+. Ended the day with a leech pattern on a sinktip, with the flyrod. That netted me a handful of little (8-10") stockers. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 16.5
(132.0 pts)
March 31, 2009 3.31.09 058 thumb 3.31.09 059 thumb  I don't even want to think about how many miles I drove for this single fish! Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 20.5
(164.0 pts)
November 29, 2008    Noggin Yakker and I fished the Rufus netpens, 11/29. Fishing was reported to be slow, but we found a pod and had multiple hookups. This one was 20.5" and pushing 5#. They're ugly on the outside, but sure fillet nicely! Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 13.5
(108.0 pts)
August 19, 2008    We spent 8/16-8/20 on Lopez, in the San Juans. Caught a few crabs, a few rockies and a kelp greenling. No salmon, but plenty of dogfish. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass 17.5
(175.0 pts)
July 06, 2008    On Sunday the 6th, went down to Brewster, on the Columbia, for summer kings. Still too early- I didn't see any caught. Didn't help that my FF went TU. Did catch a couple of smallies for consolation. Dragged a deep diving Rapala past a rocky point. The SMB were stationed along the current seam. The bigger one was 17.5" and the other was 14". Show
Yellowperch thumbYellow Perch 11.5
(155.25 pts)
June 15, 2008    Fished Patterson Lake, for Father's Day. Tried bassing, and was drop shotting a 4" worm when "Perchzilla" hit. Thought for sure I had a good SMB, until it hit the net. Last year, I caught a 14"er, so I may be able to upgrade, yet. Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 10.0
(95.0 pts)
May 19, 2008    Janni and I spent about an hour and a half being blown around Leader Lake, this afternoon. We did some casting and trolling with mini jigs, small swimbaits and a Rapala. Picked up a few small bluegills, rainbows and a handful of small LMB. All LMB were between 9 and 10 inches. It is sad that this little bugger gives me such a lead! In the recent past, this lake was good for SMB- interesting how the LMB population seems to have exploded. Show
Yellowperch thumbYellow Perch 10.5
(141.75 pts)
May 04, 2008    Janni and I went to Patterson yesterday and today. Yesterday was cold breezy and wet. Good trout weather, but no panfish. Today was warm- shorts, sandals and a t-shirt, and finally a few perch. Used mini jigs in 12-15' of water. Show
Trout thumbRainbow Trout 18.0
(144.0 pts)
April 12, 2008    Fished Rufus with my daughter and friend Steve. Steve hooked a couple in the 20-21" range, handing the rod to Janni. I landed the 18" and maybe 20 smaller fish. We brought home 5 fish with a total weight of ~20lbs Show
